IMPORTANT: Newly Updated And Enhanced!

A Complete, Step-By-Step Marketing Plan For MSPs, VARs And IT Services Companies

Discover The Marketing System That Thousands Of IT Services Companies Have Used To Attract More High-Paying Small And Mid-Sized Clients

This Program Includes Hundreds Of Marketing Campaigns, Tools And Templates To Make It Easy For You To:

  • Attract more high-paying managed services clients
  • Convert break-fix clients to managed services
  • Fuel 2-3 times more referrals
  • Package, price and sell managed IT services and cybersecurity solutions
  • VoIP, Network Documentation, Compliance As-A-Service, System Upgrades, Backup, IT Projects, Etc.
  • Generate more leads from your website and social media
  • Stop wasting time and money on failed marketing
Years Developing IT Marketing Plans
IT Services Clients Enrolled
Client Reviews and Case Studies
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Stop Wasting Your Time And Money
On Failed Marketing Attempts

Are you frustrated, unhappy and maybe even a little disgusted about how little revenue and growth your IT services firm is generating but don’t know what to do about it? Maybe you’ve tried a bunch of different things to market your business, but haven’t struck upon something that works consistently?

I understand – it is VERY difficult to market and sell outsourced IT services. Competition is extremely tough and clients seem to only care about getting the cheapest price. To make matters worse, most of the MSPs and IT services clients we work with are very good technically, but aren’t great at selling and lack the know-how to implement marketing systems that consistently bring in new high-paying clients.

That’s why we created the Toolkit. It gives you everything you need to quickly and easily implement a sales and marketing system to attract more high-paying clients WITHOUT requiring a huge marketing budget, marketing know-how or marketing team to implement.

If you can “cut and paste” and have a few hours a week, you can make this program work for you.

The Technology Marketing Toolkit Membership:
What You’ll Get

A Solid Marketing Foundation To Build On

Before you spend a dime on marketing or start executing on any campaigns, there are certain fundamentals we have to put in place to ensure you get MAXIMUM return for your marketing efforts. This includes:
  • How to pick a lucrative target market and build a list of high-probability, “sweet spot” prospects. The first and most critical step in any marketing plan is getting crystal clear on WHO you want as a client. We’ll reveal what companies and industries are most likely to buy outsourced IT support and how to build a list of them to target.
  • How to set up auto-pilot marketing SYSTEMS to attract high-quality, motivated, ready-to-buy clients. I have developed a proprietary approach to marketing IT services that I call “Educational Direct Response” marketing (E.D.R. marketing for short). Using E.D.R. marketing systems will eliminate the need for high-pressure selling, justifying your fees or wasting time with looky-loos and cheapskates. In fact, my E.D.R. marketing process will make selling INFINITELY EASIER because it does most of the heavy lifting of selling YOU, building trust, differentiating you from the competition, pre-selling and pre-disposing them to do business with you regardless of price.
  • How to build a high-converting website and online marketing presence. ALL of your marketing will eventually lead a prospect back to your website. When they get there, will they be impressed? Will it “sell” them on picking up the phone to talk to you? Are you offering valuable free information (lead generation magnets) so you can build an e-mail list and engage the “not quite ready to buy” buyers?” If the answers are NO, you have a GIANT hole in your marketing bucket we need to fix BEFORE you start pumping out marketing campaigns and content.

A Brand NEW Monthly Marketing Plan PROVEN To Work

Every month, you’ll get a BRAND NEW success blueprint from one of our members that GIVES YOU the specific campaigns, tools and strategies they are using to generate more leads, attract more clients, close more high-dollar managed services contracts, fuel referrals, upsell current clients to advanced cybersecurity solutions, compliance services, backup solutions and more. What’s MOST IMPORTANT TO NOTE is that these are not just “templates” but PROVEN MARKETING CAMPAIGNS and SALES SYSTEMS they have used to actually get results – and you’ll be given those campaigns so you can implement them in your business. This is FAR more valuable than just templates. You’re getting a brand new, field-tested marketing blueprint every single month for you to swipe and use. Here are just a FEW of the ones waiting for you:
  • The “3 Steps To Easy Onboarding” campaign that brought one MSP 30 new MRR clients that represented $85,000 of new MRR and $200,000 in new project work last year.
  • How one MSP doubled their MRR and customers under contract to add $1,124,000 in revenue in under a year.
  • How one member discovered a HUGE opportunity in school projects funded by the government and local councils to add an additional $1 million in revenue.
  • The crazy “toilet paper” campaign that helped this MSP close 23 brand-new managed services clients – and had their prospects telling them how clever, creative and hilarious it was (and they laughed all the way to the bank!).
  • The strategies one MSP went from not knowing if they were going to survive (with a NEGATIVE of $49K) to generating $245,000 in new profit the next year.
  • The marketing plan one MSP went from NO list, NO marketing plan, NO campaigns, NO real website, NO sales team answering the phone to adding $986,812 in NEW sales from a cold start!
  • How this member is getting HOT qualified leads from pay-per-click advertising, generating 37 qualified leads (without breaking the bank) and $23,395 in new MRR + $100,000 in project work with more sales closing and more opportunities to secure.
  • How this MSP generated over $300,000 in project work and brought their MRR up from $23,000 to $61,000 by simply running QBRs to existing clients (get the entire process step-by-step in this blueprint).

You’ll Also Get An Extensive Library Of Ready-To-Go IT Sales, Marketing And Business-Development Campaigns To Use “As Needed”

In addition to the above monthly campaigns, you’ll also get access to dozens of additional money-making campaigns to use on an “as needed” basis. Here are just a FEW of them:
  • Referral-generating systems.
  • SEO and local search strategies and checklists.
  • Google 5-Star review campaigns.
  • Webinar and seminar (lunch-and-learn, executive breakfasts, etc.) campaigns.
  • Direct mail campaigns.
  • LinkedIn prospecting systems.
  • Trade show marketing plans.
  • Canvassing campaigns.
  • Telemarketing scripts and campaigns for setting appointments.
  • QBR/TBR campaigns and systems.
  • How to convert break-fix to managed services campaign.
  • Cybersecurity upsell campaigns (packaging, pricing, selling).
  • Compliance-as-a-Service campaigns.
  • VoIP phone system campaigns.
  • JV and strategic partner marketing strategies.
  • Inbound lead qualification and follow-up systems.
  • Website retargeting campaigns.
  • How to hire a marketing intern or manager.
  • How to hire and manage an appointment setter/sales development rep.

Total Value: ($4,759.00 )

Toolkit Membership

As a member, you’ll get access to brand NEW marketing templates, business-building resources, live training sessions and Q&A calls every single month.

Weekly Office Hours

Quarterly Mini-Series

Marketing Deep Dive Sessions​

Marketing Strategy Brief Newsletter​

Digital Marketing Hour

Total Value: ($2,997.00)

Introducing...The All-New And Highly Requested Prospect Hopper System

Where there are leads, there’s hope. The leads may just need to be nurtured a bit before they’re ready to purchase your product.  

That’s where the Prospect Hopper System is the secret to building your list of high-probability prospects and bringing in a steady flow of NEW MSP clients.  

Each month we create and distribute NEW drip marketing materials for you to use to drive lead engagement and start gaining new clients.  

This is how you build a PRODUCTIVE and RESPONSIVE marketing list for your business.  

If you can “cut and paste,” you can easily make these work for you.  

Here is how this system works to give you a successful multi-media drip marketing campaign that will nurture your prospect list, and ultimately drive them to engage with you:  

  • We write and provide you with two separate blog articles that you will be able to promote, and drive traffic to.  

(This is a key component in your drip marketing campaign that provides an opportunity for prospects to warm up and engage with you through taking a ‘next step’ at the end of reading your article.) 

  • We will strategically craft email templates for you to send out to your lists and drive more traffic to your blog articles. 

(This is to help ensure you are maximizing your opportunity to have prospects engaged with you through reading your blog articles and getting them closer to a “next-step” with your company.)  

  • We will provide you with a templated postcard that is strategically written and meant to drive customers directly to an engagement with your company.  

(Direct mail is PROVEN to drive better response rates, greater visibility to your target market, and provides you with more opportunity than just your online efforts.) 

  • Our social media experts will create 10+ social media posts for your business to use to drive traffic either directly to an engagement with you, or push them directly to your blog articles first, that will still send them your way. 

(Social media marketing offers potential customers a chance to express interest in your business. This is a HUGE opportunity to reach new audiences and build your list to market!)  

  • Along with your social media marketing posts, we will also provide you with Facebook and LinkedIn ads for you to share directly with a highly target, highly specific market.  

(These are written strategically by our experts using digital marketing copywriting strategies to get prospects to engage immediately.)  

  • We get it, trying to implement a new marketing campaign with so much value can seem a bit intimidating… So we provide you and your team with a marketing checklist built to help ensure there are no gaps in your drip marketing sequence.  

(If you follow every part of this checklist, you will have a highly successful drip marketing campaign to consistently bring in new leads and clients each month.) 

Monthly LIVE Coaching Call And Q&A Sessions

Every month you’ll have the opportunity to join Robin and the other members in a LIVE Q&A session. This is your chance to get answers about marketing, websites, sales strategies, lead generation, pricing, building a sales and marketing team, growth, time management and more!

We also deliver a monthly “How-To” webinar with a senior MSP member on how they are successfully marketing, selling and growing their IT services business. This series is invaluable in giving you fresh, new ideas and strategies for making more money, eliminating frustrations and finding faster, easier ways to grow.

MSP Sales Blueprint

Get the detailed step-by-step playbook to effortlessly close more high-dollar IT contracts and managed services contracts without fee resistance, discounting or hard-close sales tactics. You’ll get access to 13 video sessions along with templates and scripts to position yourself as a trusted advisor and not “just another” sales rep.

  • A 5-Step Blueprint To Closing An MSP Sale At Maximum Margins
  • A System To Avoid Losing Sales To Cheaper-Priced Competitors
  • Proven Methods To Get Past The Gatekeeper And Secure More Appointments
  • How To Fill Your Calendar With Motivated, Qualified Prospects Eager To Meet With You
  • How To NAIL The First Meeting With A New Prospect
  • An Exact Process For Using An Assessment To Close A Sale
  • A Process For Delivering The Proposal So You Never Get Price-Shopped
  • How To Avoid Sales Stalls, Delays And Prospects “Going Dark”
  • How To Handle Inbound Leads So You NEVER Lose An Opportunity
  • How To Double Your Sales Team’s Production Using Automation

Total Value: ($1,997.00 Value)

Appointment Generating Miracle

Without a doubt, the single biggest reason MSPs don’t grow is because they don’t have enough appointments with qualified, motivated, ready-to-buy prospects. In this program, we’ll show you a step-by-step process on how successful MSPs find, hire, manage and direct a SDR (sales development rep) or team of SDRs to find those prospects and book appointments for you and your sales team. This is a MUST for any MSP or IT services company that needs more appointments and/or needs help in following up with referrals and other inbound leads. You’ll get:
  • A detailed blueprint for phone prospecting and inbound lead handling that is far more elegant, ethical and effective than brute-force cold calls.
  • How to find, hire, compensate and coach an SDR (sales development rep) to consistently book qualified appointments for you and/or your senior sales team.
  • Metrics you should know and manage by, including how many calls and appointments your inside salesperson should be able to make.
  • An ROI calculator that will give you the exact costs and ROI for this sales investment. You’ll know with accuracy what to budget and what you should expect to get in sales in return, based on REAL WORLD numbers and actual results produced by other IT services firms.
  • An inside sales position scorecard, job description and job posting (ad) you can “cut and paste” to use for finding your next appointment-generating rock star.
  • What tech you should use to maximize their productivity and get accurate reporting on performance, activities and results produced.
  • Scripts and approaches that will get you the appointment, lower resistance and position you as a professional company vs. an annoying telemarketer.

Total Value: ($497.00 Value)

Quick Start Guide To Fast Cash

This a series of easy, no-cost marketing campaigns to bring FAST results.
  • 4 “How-To” sessions with me giving you the 4 easiest, most successful money-generating campaigns I have.
  • 15+ downloads of ready-to-go marketing templates, tools, sales scripts, checklists, training videos, and other resources for marketing and selling.
  • These are guaranteed to be the EASIEST money-making marketing campaigns you’ve ever done.

Total Value: ($497.00 Value)

Two Tickets To Our Big Annual Member Event

As a Toolkit Member, you’ll get 2 VIP tickets to our annual IT Sales and Marketing Boot Camp, which is THE biggest event in our industry focused on sales, marketing, leadership and being a more successful entrepreneur. You’ll also get a FREE virtual pass for your entire company so your employees can watch and participate without having to leave the office (or you can opt for virtual attendance if you cannot attend in-person). This event is NOT to be missed!


Total Value: ($4,594.00)

See Why Robin Robins Is One Of The Most Trusted Leaders In IT Services Marketing

There is no doubt about it: Robin Robins, and the team at Technology Marketing Toolkit, have helped more MSPs and IT services businesses to double – even triple – sales, profits and MRR growth than any other marketing consultant in the IT services industry, period. As a trusted advisor to over 10,000+ IT services business owners for two decades, Robin knows a thing or two about what it takes to grow sales, recurring revenue streams and a profitable client base for an IT services business.

In addition to her hands-on experience in working with IT business owners, Robin runs a phenomenally successful and profitable multimillion-dollar services business herself. Unlike many “ivory tower” consultants who run a business in their dreams, she can speak from actual experience in marketing, packaging and delivering intangible services, dominating a niche, assembling a “dream team” of colleagues (staff) and building a raving-fan, loyal client base.

CEO And Author Of Technology Marketing Toolkit

Success Stories

David Javaheri, President

Direct iT

Stuck At The Same Revenue For 8 Years, We “Bombarded” Robin’s Marketing And Added 40 New Clients, $1,384,486 In Revenue And $969,000 In Profits Last Year!

“Immigrating to America from Iran at age 16, I achieved my dream of becoming a business owner. While I was successful at growing my business to $2 million, I felt so defeated because I was STUCK at that level for eight straight years. So, I decided to attend Robin Robins’ IT Marketing Roadshow in San Diego.

My first order of business was changing the name of my marketing department to ‘Marketing Bombardment,’ since sales and marketing would be our primary drivers. Our most effective campaign was our ‘Three Steps To Easy Onboarding’ postcard and sales letter, which brought in 30 NEW CLIENTS for $85K in MRR and $200,000 in projects!

By implementing Robin Robins’ proven sales and marketing strategies and campaigns, I grew my revenue by $1,384,486 and my MRR by $150K by adding 40 new clients last year! I also added nearly a million dollars – $969,000 – in profit that same year!”

Scott Hagizadegan, CEO

Shield IT Networks

In Just My SECOND YEAR, I Grew My MRR By 54% And My Revenue By 147% To Break The $2 Million Barrier!

“After joining Robin Robins’ Producers Club and engaging in vendor and speaker presentations at the quarterly meetings, we applied so many key marketing strategies that helped us to thrive last year. We were able to grow our existing client revenue while getting some incredible new HUGE partnerships that will bring faster growth that would not have been attainable otherwise.

By improving my exposure and credibility with Technology Marketing Toolkit’s opportunities, including authoring a book and an exclusive cover article in MSP Success Magazine, we landed a partnership with one of the largest CPA associations in the US!

It’s been a fascinating thrill ride looking back at the roller coaster that was last year. Not only did we dodge many bullets, we also grew our MRR by a whopping 54% and our revenue by 147% to reach $2,142,000 in only our SECOND YEAR in business!

The best is yet to come! With the momentum we have with our cyber security offering and our new association partnerships, our goal is to hit $3M by next year, $5M in five years and $10M in just eight years.”

Roland Parker, Owner

Impress Computers

How I Transformed My Break-Fix Business To An MSP Model, DOUBLED My MRR And Added $1,124,000 In Revenue In A Single Year

“Stuck in a rut, I had been living a real-life Groundhog Day. Despite our best efforts, our break-fix business was stuck at the $2 million in revenue barrier year after year after year. Fortunately, my wife and business partner convinced me to attend Robin Robins’ IT Marketing Roadshow.

While there, I saw and heard so many MSP success stories that I wanted to be a part of the action. I immediately signed up for Technology Marketing Toolkit’s Rapid Implementation Workshop to hopefully transform Impress Computers from a ‘stuck’ break-fix business to a growth-minded MSP.

Robin’s workshop was definitely like drinking from a firehose! It was fast-paced and competitive, and we threw everything we had into it. Then we armed ourselves with all the marketing tools, resources and knowledge to transform our business. Everything we did must have worked because we got our FIRST MSP client from Robin’s campaign! Suddenly we realized, hey, this crazy redhead may actually know something we don’t!

All in all, we have improved our security stack and our reporting and radically changed our marketing. It must have worked because two years ago we broke through the $2 million barrier and jumped up to $2,393,000. Last year, we doubled our MRR, doubled our contracted customers and increased revenue by $1,124,000 to be at $3.5 million!

Derek Anderson, President & CEO
Biztek Solutions, Inc.

Since Discovering Robin Robins’ Marketing Resources, I Added 12 New Clients And Increased Gross Revenue By 54% And Net Profit By A Whopping 972%!

“I started Biztek Solutions, Inc., over 20 years ago out of my bedroom. For the first six years, I had a break-fix model, so I was trading dollars for hours. When I topped out at $125K in revenue, I thought I had ‘made it.’ I was wrong. My business coach and mentor told me, ‘Derek, you’re not an entrepreneur yet. You simply bought yourself a job.’

I discovered Robin Robins’ marketing resources and services a couple of years ago. As a result, last year was our best year ever, with SIGNIFICANT GROWTH. We’ve been on fire. I increased gross revenue by 54% and net profit by a whopping 972%!

Thanks to Technology Marketing Toolkit, their coaches and their marketing campaigns, I’ve enjoyed multiple breakthroughs in the past couple of years. We’ve ‘Robinized’ our website and invested in Robin’s marketing automation and CRM platform. We also defined our sales process and playbook, which led to a 49% conversion rate! And added 12 new clients with $23,395 in MRR and almost $100K in project work, all from Google AdWords.

But we’re not done! We have set a goal to achieve another 50% in growth to hit $3 million gross revenue with at least 12% net profit. Within the next three years, I am focused on growing net profit to $500K+ annually. Then I plan to sell my business and become a coach.”

Brian and Mary Hamilton, Owners
Mad Data IO

Privileged To Get Robin Robins’ “Golden Ticket To Marketing,” We Transformed Our Business And Ourselves – From Only $1,500 In MRR To $1.8 MILLION In Revenue Today

“Before starting with Technology Marketing Toolkit, we were always just one storm away from losing everything. We barely made our payments, survived on very little and didn’t have money for Christmas. Sure, we knew WHERE we wanted to go – financial freedom, security, food for our five children and the ability to pay for a vacation without going to a relative’s house – but we just didn’t know HOW to get there.

Our ‘golden ticket’ arrived about four years ago in the form of a letter from Robin Robins. Before we even attended Robin’s Rapid Implementation Workshop, we watched her YouTube videos about how to speak to sales prospects. Robin’s strategy WORKED! We landed $2,500 in new monthly recurring revenue and $35K in project work!

 While at the workshop, Brian saw for the first time the ability to sell great products. Mary saw the ability to finally be financially free and take control over her life. Before working with Robin, we were stuck at only $1,500 in MRR. Shortly after meeting Robin, we shot up to over $8.5K in MRR plus $100K in project work.

Three years ago, we began to see the results of implementing Robin’s process and Toolkit. We had just lost a $100K customer the year prior and recently lost another client worth $30K. No problem…by following the Technology Marketing Toolkit formula, we hit our highest gross revenue that year – $536,124! Little did we know that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Last year was absolutely our breakthrough year! We focused on what we were good at – building relationships. By leveraging JV partnerships, cross-selling our clients and learning how to sell, we finished last year at $1.8 million in revenue. This year, we are projecting to hit $2.5 million! And we were finally able to take that nice family vacation!”

So What’s The Investment?

This is the MOST exciting part! If you hired a marketing consultant, agency or professional copy writer to develop this many done-for-you campaigns, tools, systems, and resources, it would cost you $75,000 to $150,000 or more. (And no, I’m not exaggerating. If you shop this against another agency, make sure they’re giving you ALL of the value we’re providing.)

24-Months: $497/Month

Why so cheap? Because this system is so well researched, documented and tested, we don’t have to do any custom development or time-consuming research…it’s already done for you! If you are a small to medium MSP, VAR or IT services company selling outsourced IT services and support, you can use the system right out of the box saving you from having to hire a marketing manager or pay someone a hefty fee to create all of this content for you.

24-Month Membership

$ 497 Monthly
  • 2 Year Toolkit Membership

Step 1 Of 2 To Enroll In Our
24-Month Membership